Hygiene units in commercial kitchens, hospitals, and other demanding indoor environments experience extensive runtime compared to standard AHUs. While maintenance keeps them operational, components eventually reach the end of their usable lifespan. A hygiene unit supplier in UAE can spot signs when it’s time for replacement rather than ongoing repairs.

Degraded filtration performance

Particulate and odor removal relies on robust filtration. Clogged or damaged filters compromise hygiene unit functions over time and struggle to maintain proper indoor air quality (IAQ). Periodic replacement is recommended, but failing filters may mean other components deteriorate too. New units integrate higher-grade long-life filter racks and media.

Inefficient cooling/heating ability

Old coils saturated with contaminants transfer heat less effectively. Hygiene units unable to meet temperature/humidity setpoints using maximum fan speeds show coils likely need replacement. A competent hygiene unit supplier in UAE can test coil performance and energy consumption levels to diagnose.

Excessive corrosion and leaks

Harsh environments and chemicals gradually corrode sheet metal casings and drain pans of hygiene units installed for many years. Minor surface corrosion may patch, but beyond a point, it jeopardizes structural integrity. Internal leakage allows moist contaminated air to circulate instead of being expelled.

Outdated control system

Early hygiene units used simple mechanical controls with movable linkages and relays. Modern touchscreen direct digital controls (DDC) deliver advanced functionality for IAQ optimization and fault alerts. Retrofitting outdated pneumatic/low-end digital controls is often not cost-effective compared to a new compliant unit.

Steep maintenance costs

Failing components translate to frequent service calls, component replacements, and labor costs that exceed the unit’s residual value over time. It becomes more cost-beneficial to invest in a new energy-efficient model with an extended warranty than continually repairing an aging unit.

Reputable suppliers track component lifespans and can assess if a unit reaches the end of its usable service through an inspection. Prompt replacement avoids expensive downtime and ensures optimal indoor conditions. Partner with your trusted hygiene unit supplier in UAE like Trosten Industries who will assist and guide you through all your issues and provide feasible solutions.


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